Any Idea About When Buck Made This??

Hoyt Buck produced the first Buck Knife in 1902. Hoyt and his son Al moved to San Diego and set up shop as H.H. Buck & Son in 1947. Al Buck revolutionized the knife industry in 1964 with the infamous Model 110 Folding Hunter. The company's innovative history and attention to quality have made for many great collectible knives.
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Any Idea About When Buck Made This??

Post by Paladin »

Guys and Gals,
I recently landed a Buck 105 with no date code and HOFFRITZ on the blade. I'll attach a photo or two.
I had no idea that Buck ever made knives for Hoffritz. This is the only one I have seen. I have looked everywhere for information on this and I have a call in for the historian at Buck. It has been a bit of time lapsed since I put in the call so I'm betting he can't find anything there.
Have any of you guys or gals run across this previously?
I have had one person tell me that the Buck/Hoffritz relationship was very short-lived and that is about all I have.

As always, any info will be appreciated,

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